Friday, 15 May 2015

Volleyball - defensive drills

Defensive drills
A player load:

This is whereby one person (the setter) has everyone line up on the edge of the court, the setter sets the first person in the line and this first person sets in back, the first person then moves into the centre of the court while the setter then sets the second person. After this the second person in the line hits the ball (using a defensive skill like a set for example to the first person in the cue, who then sets the ball back to the setter, this then repeats until everyone in the line becomes involved. If they reach the end of the line without failing then they have succeeded at the drill.

Green – the setter
Red – the ball
Orange – the line of participants

Defensive returning:
Equipment – A volleyball and a court.
In this drill, there is again a server, however there is a maximum of 3 other players. The players should number themselves from one to three. The server starts with the ball and must pass to the number 1. From there the volleyball must be ‘passed’ to the next corresponding number in the order, using a defensive shot (either a dig or a set). They should continue passing to one another and have a counter of the total passes made on each attempt as a goal to beat

Green – the setter
Red – the ball
Orange – the line of participants and their numbers 

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